dinsdag 19 januari 2010


After the meeting we had today about the GriffonPlaza Health Database, we have decided to remove some result from certain dogs from the database because of misbehavior from some breeders/owners.

Some are scared off and did not dare to leave their dogs in our database. So sad this kind of breeders still excist.

Those who want to join GriffonPlaza Open Database should behave ethicly towards other breeders or scientist.

We advice all of you to be brave and do not let these people get a hold on you, there is nothing to be afraid of when you are open and honest.

Please know that our new way of thinking "being open in breeding" will fear many breeders who like to hide all kind of information.

If you get bullied or you need help, just write an email to giffies@griffonplaza.com and we will offer you help when needed. We have to hold our fort because being open is the only way for us to reach our coal "Breeding Healthy Dogs"


Database under attack.

We at GriffonPlaza take all efforts to present reliable and hand checked information as supplied to us by either breeders or owners. The entire design of our site is to promote openness and be of genuine assistance to breeders who wish to share their testing results to benefit the breed.
We are not interested in defending our database to any differing views, We promote breeders who have nothing to hide, as we believe it is beneficial for all results to be shared for the betterment of the breed.
 Of course we realize this is scary to many breeders, scary because many are afraid to find out what is in their lines, they do not test, and others who are afraid their will be a lot of finger pointing towards them for being open. The oddest part is that those who we have met in Griffons who are  afraid for finger pointing are often the one who do so. At least that is the experience of the moderators of this site.

Not surprisingly, we get lots of mails , mails about breeders who dogs are in the database, not about the test results but about how brave they are and how much respect they deserve for showing all their results to the world.

As this site only accepts voluntarily given , we leave everyone to his own as long as we are not  attacked for no reason, we have the opinion there is no reason not to  test or to share but if people do not want to join us we are not going  to write world wide letters  full of lies and gossip around to prove our point. Our point is already proved. Many breeds need help and testing, the heritage of those who did not test and certainly did not  share the information they had in the breed. If so all the testing on different illnesses would not be needed nowadays. If it was true what these breeders said than the Griffon would be one of the most healthy dogs around, also that is not true. The Griffon 
has  many problems we should work on.

The last day’s the database has been under attack, attack by those who have assumed that the  moderator got info about  dogs that has been  submitted by other than the breeder or owners themselves. These  assumptions were grounded on nothing than false gossip and is only an  attempt trying to bring those who try do good for the breed in  discredit. Funny is that when they find out they were wrong they are  not big enough to make apologies for their false assumptions but just go on with by bully others, crying they are bullied by us for having  to share their info:) These people really turn the world upside down.

We have all bred sick dogs, most because we just did not know, there were no tests or the vets did not know about what was wrong with our  dogs, our luck and that of many breeds is that there are test now  available, we have internet that makes it so easy to care and share together so breeding healthy dogs will become much easier if you use the right tools for it.

Envy seems to be one of the biggest problems in the Dog World, envy  can often be a reason not to test or not to share.  If that person tests I will not, if that person shares I will not, if that person  follows that protocol I will not use that protocol. When you read this I am sure you will be as surprised as I am but it is true!!

World wide breeders of pedigree dogs are under fire, in one country  more than in the other. Not without reason. We have to prove to the world that we are willing to work together. The researches, who are working hard to provide us with information how we  can carefully make combinations and breeders, by testing and sharing test  information are all helping this science improve the dogs we produce. The time of sweeping things under the carpet and not talking about them are over, there are breeds who will run out of time to be fixed unless we start now. IT is time that breeding  was about the DOGS themselves, not breeders glory, time to make the dogs health situation our first priority.

The following part is out of a letter that is going around, it is from breeders who are amongst other things, against sharing like we do and who are not so careful about the truth -  as they should be.

“We love our dogs, we care for our dogs very well and sometimes we’ve 
even been known to do without something ourselves so that the dogs 
could have what we felt they needed. But, and this is a very big but, 
when our dogs pay the mortgage, pay their own vet bills, can drive 
themselves to the vet and make a myriad of decisions that we now make…
then, and only then, will they have rights as we do. We are their 
caretakers and owners and we make the decisions, not them, and 
certainly not someone across the world from us. We would suggest that 
they take care of their own and we will do the same.”

An other shocking part out of the same letter is this:

“Remember, Hitler was nothing but a small town activist until he got a 
good microphone. At first no one agreed with him, then they turned up 
the volume and people started to listen. Before you know it a crazy 
man was killing millions of people and controlling the lives of the 
people who kept their mouths shut. Speak out and be heard or our 
rights will be taken away and might not possibly return.
Let us know what you are thinking….there’s power in numbers.”

If this is not a case of argumentum ad Hitlerum I don’t know!! You know right away what kind of people these are, and here at Griffon Plaza we stand a long way from those  who hide behind this nasty way while blaming others, like people who like to share, scientists etc. Let above words speak  for themselves and make up your own opinion.

This database is an open database this means  every dishonest  attack will be published right here from now on. We have  nothing to hide and already it is clear there are breeders in the world who feel and act the same. Use your own thoughts, not those inserted by others with agendas other than the health and wellbeing of the dogs they produce.

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